...we've been busy co-creating...
We have had the pleasure of working on some challenging and exciting projects, alongside inspiring people and organisations. Some of those projects are listed below. Contact us if you want to know more.

Drury South Industrial Development
Under the Resource Management Act 2001, proposed new developments require an unbiased assessment of the likely effects of planned activities, whether positive or negative, on the surrounding areas.
Our role in this work was to assess and comment on the likely social impacts of the proposal.

Wiri Prison Social Impact Assessment
As a SIA expert, Gilly provided advice, submissions and evidence to the Wiri Correctional Facility Board of Inquiry on the likely social impacts of the men’s prison.
This required clear, well-researched, quality advice and analysis, to mitigate the likely effects of the prison on the surrounding community.

ONE-SHED storytelling
Co-Creationz is working with the Cook Islands Development Agency of New Zealand, helping them to tell the story of the exciting work they’re doing for their community. All kinds of new enterprises are being developed and tested at their one-COMMUNITY S.H.E.D. What was once a farm building is now a fabulous community gathering space, where ideas and dreams are being turned into reality, as families learn work together cooperatively on their own businesses. We will help them unfold this an innovative and inspiring story in more detail, over the coming months and years.

Randwick Park
This inspirational South Auckland community is fast blazing a trail as a neighbourhood doing good for itself. Randwick Park was nominated community of the year by professional community engagement specialists, winning with a standing ovation at a conference in Wellington. We are proud to be an adopted part of that community, working to support them to tell their story, strategise their future, and help them access investment to continue their work.
We have succeeded in helping them gain one of five New Zealand partnerships with the Department of Internal Affairs, and our next project with this community is to co-create of an impact measurement tool, so they can track and demonstrate the difference they make.
View Randwick Park’s updated story here: Hey, this is Randwick Park _ Revised_2

Howick Feasibility Study
Youth across Howick lack a safe, welcoming place to call their own, outside of home, school, and adult-organized programmes and services.
Co-Creationz worked with the Howick Youth Council to explore the unmet needs of Howick youth for a place in which they could develop, grow and express their interests and confidence. The Youth Council presented our findings to the Local Board, and are now working on next steps to progress this work.

Mangere East Village Business Association (MEVBA)
Co-Creationz recently worked with MEVBA to develop a 5 year Strategic Plan, which will guide how the association works with its community and the Mangere Otahuhu Local Board, for the economic and social wellbeing of Mangere East Village and its surroundings. You can access the document here.

Mangere BikeFIT
Co-Creationz is working with local identity Teau Aiturau, and the Time to Thrive to Stay Alive Trust, to create a strategic plan for its business, Mangere BikeFIT. Their mission is to educate the community on the fundamentals of owning and riding a bike. Teau teaches older members of the community to repair and maintain bikes, as a way to give back to the community.
Together they equip riders with second-hand bikes and all the safety gear, and teach them the fundamentals of safe riding.
Teau has a bold ambition for Mangere as the bike capital of the Pacific, and this strategic plan will help him guide the business, and gain the support he needs to realise his vision.